Travel Stories

The Castle on the Cliff: Keiss Castle

Keiss Castle is a historic ruin located near the village of Keiss in Caithness, on the northeastern coast of Scotland. Perched dramatically on a cliff overlooking the North Sea, the castle presents a striking example of a 16th-century tower house.

Keiss Castle is a historic ruin located near the village of Keiss in Caithness, on the northeastern coast of Scotland. Perched dramatically on a cliff overlooking the North Sea, the castle presents a striking example of a 16th-century tower house. Here are some key details about Keiss Castle:

History and Architecture

  • Construction: The original Keiss Castle was built around the late 16th century by George Sinclair, the 5th Earl of Caithness.
  • Design: It features the typical layout of a Scottish tower house, with a rectangular main block and projecting wings. The structure originally had multiple stories, though much of it has now fallen into disrepair.
  • Materials: The castle is primarily constructed from local stone, adding to its rugged and weathered appearance.


  • Location: The castle is situated on a narrow promontory, giving it a strategic defensive position with commanding views over Sinclair Bay and the surrounding landscape.
  • Condition: Today, Keiss Castle is largely in ruins. Parts of the structure, including sections of its walls and the remnants of its tower, still stand, though much of it has crumbled due to centuries of exposure to the elements.
  • Nearby Structures: There is a “new” Keiss Castle, built in the 18th century, located a short distance away. This later mansion served as the residence for the Sinclair family after the original castle fell into disuse.

Cultural and Historical Significance

  • Heritage: Keiss Castle is part of the rich tapestry of Scottish history, connected to the powerful Sinclair family who played significant roles in the region’s history.
  • Archaeological Interest: The site around Keiss Castle is of archaeological interest, with nearby areas revealing remnants of ancient settlements and artifacts.

Access and Tourism

  • Visitation: The ruins of Keiss Castle are accessible to visitors, though caution is advised due to the precarious nature of the remaining structures and the cliffside location.
  • Scenic Value: The castle’s location offers breathtaking views of the coastline and is a popular spot for photographers and history enthusiasts.


  • Conservation Efforts: As a historic site, Keiss Castle is under the care of organizations dedicated to preserving Scotland’s heritage. Efforts focus on maintaining the ruins and ensuring they remain a point of historical interest for future generations.

Keiss Castle stands as a haunting and picturesque reminder of Scotland’s feudal past, drawing visitors who are captivated by its dramatic setting and storied history.

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